Monday, August 25, 2008

Let the games begin

The convention’s underway!

Already spotted today: Arianna Huffington, who looked at Kevin and I like we’d just shot her puppy when we smiled at her, and Rev. Al Sharpton, who wins an award for most gracious man ever. The man was on his cell phone and still posed for photos with star-struck reporters who spotted him while waiting in line at the first press checkpoint.

Notice I mentioned “first” press checkpoint. There are two, now; an initial checkpoint’s been erected — perhaps to keep the protestors from backing security up for hours on end again. But let’s be honest, here: so long as the protestors remain non-violent, I’d rather see them up close to the action.

Protest is the lifeblood of the Democratic party. The Democrats are — or at one point, were — the party of passion, dissent, and progress. As obnoxious as these protestors have proven on a personal level, I want to see them up close and personal. I want to know that the Democrats are receptive to discord. In a two-party system like ours, at least one party had better voice up, or at least listen to, the discontented. Otherwise, to me, “democracy” describes America about as well as “Fair and Balanced” describes Fox News.

Enough of my idealistic ramblings. I just found out I’ve got a hall pass for tonight’s speakers. Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama and Claire McCaskill, here I come! Obviously, I’ll have more on tonight’s events later.

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